I blame the BBC for giving him the oxygen of publicity
Umm, I think Clarkson is talking about the UK so the whole 1937 thing doesn't apply, and I'm guessing he was kidding about running down cyclists lol
Just how old is Clarkson? The road tax he's talking about was abolished in 1937. Every taxpayer pays for the roads now, and has for some time.
Motorists take risks with a cyclist's life that they would not have the guts to be on the receiving end of. They think that they can take a chance of hitting a cyclist and if the bet doesn't come off, well, they won't feel it. Hunt them down and firebomb their home. That will show them there can be repercussions.
Bicycles were being manufactured prior to the internal combustion engine. So it is the motorists who encroaching into the domain of the cyclist.
Road tax hasn't existed since 1937. Winston Churchill abolished it because of the false sense of entitlement it gave motorists... which still lingers.